Financially Independent Teachers
Welcome to the Financially Independent Teachers Podcast- where educators come together to discuss their journey on the road to financial independence. Each week, Dave and Brandon interview teachers who are winning with money and welcome financial industry experts like JL Collins, Andy Hill, Andrew Hallam (Millionaire Teacher) and Rachel Cruze (daughter of Dave Ramsey). There are plenty of voices in the teachers' lounge telling you that you can't build wealth on an educator income, let FIT provide hope that you CAN!
Financially Independent Teachers
EP 183-How Has FIT Impacted a NJ Orchestra Teacher?
Ben is a recently tenured Orchestra teacher just south of NYC in NJ. Ben is one of the first followers of the FIT podcast and was guest way back on episode 121. Since his last interview, he has earned a masters degree, bought a house and continued to invest. Ben recently went through the FIT "Find Your Freedom" coaching session and he is back to share his findings. During the meeting, I revealed some crazy numbers for what his retirement MIGHT look like.
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