Financially Independent Teachers

EP 199-VA SS Teacher Moves From Messy Middle To Gaining Momentum + Wealth Building

Season 5 Episode 199

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Kevin is a SS teacher/coach from Long Island, went to college in Upstate NY, but landed in the DC suburbs in Prince William county. Like many teachers, Kevin and his wife were "just getting by" as they had a 2k per month daycare bill in his mid 30's. Once the kids made their way out of daycare, they redirected their old payments to 457's, 403's, and eventually got into the real estate game. With only a handful of years left in education, Kevin discusses what their retirement plans at the beach might look like, how they are navigating paying for their kids college, and how involved he will be "working" in retirement. 

Is it possible to go from a net worth that is treading water to a millionaire teacher in less than 20 years? Check out Kevin's story to find out more! 

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